| Taxi Booking

Terms and Conditions

Transfer Search and Booking Services Offer

Taxiyo is a platform that allows users to find taxi services. All the transfer services booked through “” web site are being done by “Taxi or Travel Companies.

By making a booking request via Taxiyo service, you agree with the terms and conditions of the offer and guarantee that all passengers under age of 18 travel accompanied by legal representatives. 

1. Main terms and definitions

1.1. Transfer shall mean a set of services including: 

  • waiting for the passengers by the transporter’s representative at the agreed place until their arrival or expiry of the agreed waiting time,
  • meeting the passengers,
  • escorting the passengers to the vehicle, accommodating of luggage in the vehicle,
  • taking passengers by vehicle to the determined point of destination. 

All transfers shall be performed in motor cars of various classes, minivans, microbuses, and buses. 

1.2. Transporter shall mean a transport company working in the area of rendering transfer services that has an agency agreement with us. 

1.3. Additional services and goods shall mean any goods and services the transporter may provide along with or in course of the transfer. Additional goods and services may relate to the terms and condition of the meeting and the trip, configuration of the vehicle, they may represent services and goods useful for the tourist. Usually, they are paid separately but may be an integral part of the service. 

1.4. Taxiyo Service shall mean websites, other applications, information systems, and Taxiyo channels allowing you to book a transfer, to obtain information and order support, to leave a feedback. 

1.5. Booking request shall mean a set of data which you provide to Taxiyo and which are necessary and sufficient to render the service. A request shall mean a confirmation of your readiness to get a transfer service. 

1.6. Voucher shall mean a document containing all essential terms and conditions of the transfer and confirming the payment of the service or specifying the payment procedure. 

1.7. Order shall mean a request confirmed by both parties (you and the transporter). 

1.8. Per car prices: It means all transfer transportation prices are determined as per vehicle. The number of people does not affect the transfer fee. Important! National parks, Islands, Museums etc. For pre-arranged tours, entrance fees are extra. If your car reservation includes a pre-arranged check-in, 20% of the transfer fee will be sent to the driver in advance. In case of cancellation of the reservation, this 20% amount is non-refundable.

2. Request execution terms

2.1. When executing a request via Taxiyo Service, you specify all necessary details assuming full liability for their correctness and authenticity. You shall also bear risks of non-receipt of the service under this offer (and/or receipt of an improper service) related to incomplete and incorrect information provided during the booking. 

2.2. After processing your request, we may request to clarify some data. After receiving and clarifying data, we transfer the information to the transporter who takes the decision to perform the transfer under the specified conditions. A booking request shall be deemed to be an order after its acceptance by the transporter. 

2.3. We accept the booking requests (taking into account any possible clarifications) at least: 

  • 16 hours prior the transfer for the group 1 vehicles (Micro, Economy, Comfort, Minivan 4 pax, Minibus 7 pax),
  • 24 hours prior the transfer for the group 2 vehicles (Business, Premium, Premium Minibus 6 pax, Minibus 10, 13, 16, 19 pax, Shuttle).

We are entitled to decline a request received at a later date. 

3. Meeting place and point of destination

3.1. Meeting place shall mean an address where the transporter’s representative is supposed to wait for the passengers. Point of destination shall mean the address to which the driver must take the passengers. 

3.2. The address of the meeting place and point of destination shall be determined by the limits of the district, administrative unit or location or by information allowing to clearly define it. It may be a name of a hotel, road junction, a point on the map or scheme, coordinates, etc. All possible formats to state the meeting place and point of destination shall be determined by the Taxiyo service.

4.  Meeting date and time

4.1. Meeting date and time shall determine when the transporter’s representative must appear at the agreed place to meet the passengers. These are local date and time of the departure point or information allowing to clearly define them. It may be the number of the flight, train, name of a ship, etc. All possible formats to state the time shall be determined by the Taxiyo service.

4.2. The period after the transfer start during which the transporter waits for the passengers at the meeting place without changes in the transfer cost (free waiting time) shall amount to 60 minutes for airports/ports and 15 minutes for other points of departure. 

4.3. When the point of destination is an airport, port, railway station or another place the passenger needs to arrive at a certain time, you shall calculate the date and time of the meeting individually and shall be liable for being late and possible losses related to the delay. Taxiyo service shall state an approximate time of the trip. 

4.4. When executing a request for a transfer to an airport, we recommend to specify the starting time of the transfer taking into account the duration of the trip and a cushion time not less than 3 hours for the flight check-in. 

5. Vehicle class choice

5.1. The number of passengers including children must correspond to the capacity of the chosen vehicle class. Adding a child seat or non-standard luggage may decrease the stated capacity. 

5.2. You shall be individually liable for the choice of the respective child seat for the child travelling with you when executing a request. 

5.3. Providing a transfer of a better class is not a violation of this offer.

6.  Luggage

6.1. The aggregate amount of three dimensions of standard luggage must not exceed 158 cm (63 inches). 

6.2. Oversized luggage as well as sports equipment (ski, snowboards, golf bags, surfboards, bikes, etc.), baby carriages, wheelchairs, musical instruments, animal carriers, etc. shall be non-standard luggage and shall be additionally agreed, what in some cases may lead to the service cost increase. 

6.3. The transportation of animals and birds is only allowed in a carrier (basket, box, container, cage) with a fixed base if it doesn’t exceed standard luggage size.

7.  Contact details

7.1. In order to clarify necessary details and to timely inform of the terms and conditions of booking and their possible changes when executing a request, we kindly ask you to specify the following details of the passenger(s): 

  • surname and name,
  • mobile phone number,
  • e-mail address,
  • other data, if necessary.

7.2. We guarantee the confidentiality of the details provided by you during the booking and their use according to the purposes and terms specified in the Privacy Policy.

8. Informing, support, and monitoring of order execution

8.1. We provide all important information related to your order by e-mail or telephone using the email address and/or telephone number stated during the booking. 

8.2. All risks related to the failure to receive or untimely receipt (view) of messages as well as risks related to an unauthorised access to your e-mail and/or telephone shall be fully borne by you. 

8.3. If you have any questions, you may address to Taxiyo support service or to the transporter’s representative using the contact details stated in the voucher. 

9. Request (order) alteration

9.1. We accept any alterations to the booking request at least 48 hours prior to the transfer start. 

9.2. You must make an additional payment if alterations made within the above period led to the order cost increase.

9.3. If alterations are not possible for the booking less than 5 hours (for the group 1 vehicles) and 24 hours (group 2 vehicles) before transfer, we do not return the advance payment made.

10.  Request (order) cancellation

10.1. You may cancel your booking with full refund of the amount paid: 

  • within 3 days before the transfer for the class 1 vehicles (Micro, Economy, Comfort, Minivan 4 pax, Minibus 7 pax),
  • within 3 days before the transfer for the class 2 vehicles (Business, Premium, Premium Minibus 6 pax, Minibus 10, 13, 16, 19 pax, Shuttle). 
  • at least 10 days before the transfer date for rides all around Japan, China and Taiwan and rides for crowded days such as olimpic games, new year. (Sedan, VAN Business, Premium, Premium Minibus 6 pax, Minibus 10, 13, 16, 19 pax, Shuttle). 

The ride route will calculate by the system exactly as your route selection on the "Get Quote" page. In example case, if you choose A to B on the "Get Qoute" but if you mention B to C on the email support conversations, our customer support team are can not recognize the locations as same expertise level of the drivers and all support conversations will be related to your first route selection. Changes on date and the pickup time will not effects to price if the driver is available. If you want to change the route itself, you must cancel the first request and submit a new.

In case of booking cancellation at a later date, we do not return the advance payment made. In case of absence of the advance payment, we shall debit the full cost of the order from your card added to the request.

10.2. We shall not be liable for cancellation, rescheduling or delay of passenger’s flights and other circumstances not depending on our actions or inactions and we shall not be able to guarantee the waiting for the passenger at the meeting place beyond the limits of the free waiting time. 

10.3. If your booking contains additionally paid conditions, the timelines and procedure of your request cancellation shall be determined in the voucher or annexes thereto. 

10.4. In rare cases related to the transporter’s violation of its obligation and other unforeseen extreme circumstances, we shall be entitled to cancel the booking with full refund of the amount paid.

10.5 In case of cancellation of an order with a free cancellation service purchased, the full amount is refunded, minus the cost of the free cancellation service. The return period is 10 days from the date of the cancellation notice receipt.

Our obligation to return funds shall be deemed fulfilled from the moment the funds are debited from our account in your favor or from the moment the refund instruction is sent to the international payment system.

10.6 Further procedures and terms for receiving funds depend on the work of the servicing bank or international payment system.

11. Passenger no-show

11.1. The mobile phone of the passenger stated in the booking request must be switched on and available for incoming calls at the moment of the transfer start, during the waiting time and until the meeting of the passenger with the transporter’s representative. 

11.2. If the free waiting time lapsed and the passenger failed to appear at the meeting place stated in the voucher and failed to answer the incoming telephone call from us or from the transporter, the latter shall be entitled to refuse from the performance of the transfer and to leave the meeting place. In such event, the provisions of the point 11.3 hereof shall apply. 

11.3. If the transfer failed to take place due to the absence of the passenger within the stated time and place, we shall keep the cost of the order. Any losses arising due to non-receipt of the service shall not be reimbursed. 

12. Transporter no-show

12.1. If the transporter fails to be present at the meeting place within the agreed time, you need to make a telephone call to the transporter and to the Taxiyo support service. 

12.2. The period for lodging claims against the transporter no-show shall amount to 90 days since the transfer start stated in the request. 

12.3. When lodging a claim against the transporter no-show, you need to confirm that you:

  • were at the meeting place at the stated time;
  • made a telephone call to the transporter and Taxiyo support service and reported the transporter no-show. 

12.4. In order to confirm your presence at the meeting place, you may make your photo on the background of a clock and a hotel reception desk (if the point of departure is a hotel), on the background of a clock and an arrival & departure schedule of an airport or railway station (if the point of departure is an airport or railway station) or provide any other evidence allowing to make a firm conclusion on the passenger’s presence at the point of departure during the agreed time. 

12.5. If the transporter’s no-show is established, we shall return the amount paid for the transfer in full. 

12.6. Besides, if in lieu of the transfer not provided due to the transporter no-show, you had to use the services of another transporter and the cost of such transfer exceeded the cost of Taxiyo transfer, we shall compensate your losses in the amount of the transfers cost difference, provided that the transfer was performed: 

  • from the same point of departure and to the same point of destination,
  • on the same date and at the same time
  • by the vehicle of the same (or lower) class. 

We shall reimburse such losses if all the above conditions are met and confirmed by the respective documents. Other losses shall not be reimbursed. 

13. Force-majeure

13.1. The Parties shall be exempted from liability for non-fulfilment or improper fulfilment of their obligations if proper fulfilment was impossible due to force-majeure circumstances, i.e. emergency and inevitable situations which could not be reasonably expected while entering into the agreement or avoided or overcome and were beyond control of the Parties. Such circumstances shall in particular include: natural disasters (earthquake, flood, hurricane), fire, mass diseases (epidemics), strikes, military actions, terroristic acts, sabotages, limitation of transportation, governmental bans, trade bans, including with particular countries, due to international sanctions and other circumstances beyond control of the parties. 

13.2. The Parties shall be obliged to timely inform each other on occurrence of such force-majeure circumstances and shall confirm their occurrence by the respective document issued by a relevant authority in the procedure specified by the legislation of the country where such force-majeure circumstances take place. 

13.3. Should a Party fail to observe the requirements of this section, it shall be deprived of its right to refer to force-majeure circumstances as a ground for its exemption from liability for the violation of its obligations under this offer.  

14. Money refund

14.1. We shall transfer you money subject to refund according to the bank details stated by you when booking within maximum sixty working days. In case the booking is paid using a banking card, the refund shall be done according to the technology of the international payment system to the same card the payment was debited from. 
Please Note It: Refund might take 2 till 90 days, depends on serveral reasons:
If the amount paid to driver by Taxiyo already.
If customers paid to the driver in cash and requested refund for online payment.
If the paid amount is discounted price.

Please Note It: Refund might take 3 till 6 months, depends on serveral reasons:
If the customers made last-minute change on the pickup or drop off addresses and drivers did not get notification due late time.
If Taxiyo accepts to do refund for a non-refundable payment to the customer.

14.2. In order to avoid a double refund, we reserve the right to refuse to refund payment for an order if the issuing bank has already initiated a transaction protest procedure (chargeback) regarding payment of the same order.

14.3. Our money refund obligation shall be deemed as fulfilled as soon as the money is debited from our account in your favour or as soon as the refund instruction is sent to the international payment system. 

14.4. Further procedures and timelines of payment return shall depend on the work of your bank or the international payment system. 

14.5 When you book a transfer, 20% of the transfer fee must be paid in advance. The remaining 80% will be paid to the driver on the day of the transfer.

14.6 In some cases, customers may simply make a reservation and not make the prepayment, or may decide to pay some time after booking. In this case, you will receive a reminder email from us. In this e-mail, it is clearly stated that the payment has not been received yet and the confirmation process has not taken place. In some cases, the payment from banks is reflected to the account late. In such cases, the customer has to inform our support team or the driver if he has made the payment.

14.7 Acceptance and rejection of prepayments is an automatic process. If a payment has been made in any way, the reservation will be processed automatically as soon as the payment is entered into the system. For reservations with a duration of less than 48 hours, customers must inform our support team about late payments to the system.

14.8 If the prepayment is returned to the card of by the bank, there is no need to take any action. The reservation will be canceled automatically. But if the prepayment has been deducted from the card of customer. The reservation is processed after a certain period of time. It is the responsibility to inform from customer to our support team.

14.9 Notifications about payments should be made to us by customers at least 2 hours before the transfer time. Otherwise, since the driver will wait for the customer at the pickup point and lose time and have to pay the parking fee, 70% of the paid amount will be returned to the customer and 20% will be deducted for loss of the driver.

15. Claim procedure

15.1. If you are unsatisfied with the quality of the transfer search and booking service, please, send us your claim to us within fourteen calendar days past the transfer. Claims sent after expiry of the above period may be left unconsidered. 

15.2. Besides, you shall be entitled to make claims and demands against the transporter providing the transportation services directly, due to the improper rendering of transportation services, including but not limited to, claim for damages to life, health, and property of the passenger. 

15.3. If you do not have the necessary details of the transporter and you do not know how to find them, you may also ask us for help by sending an e-mail to Taxiyo Support. We shall immediately re-address all claims sent to the above address to the transporter. 

16. Auction

16.1 Auction order is not tourist transfer service.

16.2 Minimum booking time for auction order (the time to specify the information is included) is 1h30min.

16.3 The time to set the price for the partner - 15 minutes before the time specified in the order.

16.4 Partners only suggest the price for road trip. Pick up with a nameplate and help with the luggage are not included in designated amount.

16.5 You can order additional services for extra charge. Drinking water and child restraints are available to book.

16.6 Partners suggest the vehicle type by themselves according to the information regarding number of passengers and other comments.

16.7 The waiting time which excludes extra charges for the service right after the time specified in the booking (free waiting time) is 15 minutes for every point of departure.

16.8 You arrange the meeting point with the driver individually.

17. Transportation for group of children

17.1. Before you make a booking for transfer for a group of children younger than 18 years old with the group of 8 children or more, please contact our support service to get exact information about the cost and conditions of the transfer.

17.2 Organized transportation of children in the Russian Federation is possible only with the following documents and the permission of the Road Police:

  • full name, date of birth of the child,
  • parent's phone number,
  • full name of one of the child's parents,
  • names and passport information of the accompanying persons.

17.3 All information must be provided not later than 72 hours before the transfer. If you do not inform us on time or do not provide all necessary documents, the carrier has the right to refuse to perform the transfer.

18. Other conditions

18.1. The place of contract under this offer shall be the city of Edinburgh (the United Kingdom). 

18.2. For hourly or daily rentals with a driver, if the holiday route is 30 kilometers or more from the starting point, customers must provide accommodation for the driver. 

18.3. The present Contract concluded under the present offer shall come into force after its conclusion and shall stay in force until the Parties fulfil the undertaken obligations in full.

Your Privacy and Security
All reservations you make through our website are 100% secure. Taxiyo never shares your phone and e-mail addresses with third parties or companies. Transfer notification details are sent by e-mail only. You will not receive any annoying SMS or emails from us. Our payment systems are protected by highly secure encryption protocols. Taxiyo does not record or store your credit card information in any way. The information you enter and the payment process is completed between your bank and the payment service. No one, including Taxiyo's employees, cannot access your credit card information. Information such as your taxi transfer details, pickup, and destinations are only shared with your driver.

Taxiyo Signature